Afraid of the Unknown? 2 Ways to Work Through It

When most of us were young, we were afraid of the dark. There is probably the rare exception to that rule, but for most of us, fear of the dark was something we felt quite a lot. And yet, it wasn't so much the dark itself that we were afraid of. Instead, what we feared was not being able to see; was the unknown that might be there in the dark— just outside of our vision.

Not much changes in adulthood, and we are still often afraid of the unknown. This appears in particular in the career choices that we make, and it often holds people back, leaving them trapped in jobs that they don't find fulfilling. The thought pattern is simple and easy to repeat: I don't know what will happen if I leave my job, so I'll just stay.

Here at HireVibe, we don't think fears like that have to hold you back, so here are two practical pieces of advice to help you overcome your fear.

1. Can the unknown excite you?

Not knowing where you are going to go next can be daunting, but it can also be the first step in an incredibly exciting new journey. Instead of being afraid of the unknown, could you learn to be excited about it? The unknown represents nearly limitless possibility that you can use to get out of a job you hate and make advancements in your life and goals.

2. Can you actively embrace the unknown?

Your fears can also be a sign that something new and interesting is about to take place. All of us probably have the experience of being nervous before a speech or performance of some kind. Sometimes it’s easier than you may think to channel that nervousness into an amazing performance. Your fear of the unknown is no different. If you can take the fear and channel it into the positive energy you need to make changes in your life, then you are actively on your way to a much better future.

Overall, fear itself is a normal and natural part of facing the unknown. It is going to happen, and it shouldn't be a source of shame. Instead, it could just be the energy you need to help you get started toward your goals.