Develop Your Authenticity at Work by Being More Mindful

Every good employer wants the most authentic employees possible. Having authenticity means that you will have a more productive and beneficial employee for the company. This is of mutual benefit to the employee as well as the employer because improved authenticity leads to overall happiness and satisfaction with life. So how exactly do we develop this authenticity? The simple answer is by being more mindful, or more present.

Being more mindful means to be focused on the present and not as concerned with the past and the future. One characteristic of stressed people is to dwell upon what has and what will happen. To become more mindful and in the present, there are a few conscious exercises that will make the process easier and more enjoyable.


Forbes recommends that taking the time to write about something that happened in your day, each day before you leave can really do a lot to retrain your brain to think positively about your work experience. It doesn't need to take long but is a wonderful way to keep the "big picture" in mind before wrapping-up your work day.

Take a Break

Don't plow through all day without stopping to rest a bit. So many people eat lunch at their desks as they work, but this really isn't the best way to be more mindful. Getting away from your work environment for a little while and refreshing your body will do wonders for your mental health.

Take Time to Interact

The people around you undoubtedly need to be mindful as well. You need to support one another with this by interacting with them. A quick moment to exchange pleasant words or light conversation can go a long way to being present. This helps develop active listening skills and breaks the monotony of the day.

Just taking these three steps can help you refocus on where you are and how you are performing your job. These can be highly important in every aspect of life beyond work as well. Commit to these and you'll find yourself being much more mindful and by extension a much more authentic employee.

MEDITATIONTariq Al Muhtasib