How to Tell if A Company’s Values Align With Yours

According to an article in Business Insider, the average person spends more than 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. Your work is going to have a big impact on the quality of your life. That is why it is important to find a company that can make you feel fulfilled instead of just seeing it as a way to earn a paycheck.

Not sure where to start? Here are some tips on how to find a company with values that align with your own:

What is the company culture like?

First, try to learn more about the company's culture. Culture starts from the top down, so read as many blogs and news articles about the founder as you can. Do they have a philosophy or way of thinking about work?

You can also go to the company's website and check out their mission statement and vision statement. When you go in for the interview, take time to look around and observe your potential new coworkers. Do they seem happy and carefree, or does everyone seem stressed out and have their head down? If you get a chance to strike up a conversation with an employee or two, even better.

Do employees have a good work life balance?

Next, find out if their employees enjoy a good work-life balance. For example, do they have flexible hours? Would you be able to work remotely? How many hours are you expected to work? You may be able to discover some of these answers with an online search, but the best way to find out this information is by talking with current employees. Their valuable feedback can help you decide if you want to work for the company.

Does the company give back?

Lastly, another way to figure out a company's values is to see if they give back. Companies that do not place a high value on social responsibility usually don't get involved in service work. If the company works with a nonprofit or foundation, organizes events for employees to volunteer, has paid volunteer days, or encourages their staff to help others, those are great signs that the company truly cares and wants their employees live a fulfilling life.