No, Your Job Shouldn't Make You Feel Lousy

Society has conditioned many to believe that work is just something you do because you have to, that it's normal to be miserable while you're at the office, and even that it's impossible to find a job that both pays well and makes you happy. But these tropes have little basis in reality.

Recent statistics show that almost 90% of American workers are at least somewhat satisfied with their current positions, with 38% affirming that they are "very satisfied". These numbers prove that being miserable at work is not normal.

And even if it was statistically unlikely, wouldn't you still want to do what you could to find a job where you felt happy and in alignment with your core values?

Is it time for a change?

If you find yourself identifying with the 11% of workers who are entirely unsatisfied with their jobs, or you simply feel something is missing, it's time to consider your options. Here are three steps you can take right now to set change in motion.

  • Step 1: Take inventory of your goals and values. You're never going to feel completely satisfied by a job that doesn't align with your core values. Spend some time reflecting on where you want to be going in life and consider how work fits into that.

  • Step 2: Consider why you're not happy with your current position. Is your work environment hostile or even just uninspiring? Do you feel stagnant, like you're not progressing towards a career? Or, perhaps you feel undervalued or under-compensated. Often, it may be a combination of these factors. Identifying exactly what is making you feel off is crucial to making a positive change.

  • Step 3: Start planning your next move. Having identified your values and what's stopping them from being fulfilled, think about what alternate opportunities would make you happier. For some, it's a different position in your current field. For others, it may require a complete career change. In either case, think about what it would take for you to enjoy going to work again. Then, make a plan to get there.

No matter what your situation, you should never feel like you have to stay somewhere that's making you miserable. At HireVibe, we believe that a job should not just be satisfying but legitimately inspiring.